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Richard M Hopen
Crypto News for Realtors – Issue 35
October 2, 2022 | Issue 35 ** SPECIAL ISSUE ** THE ECONOMY Three months ago, I devoted an entire issue of this newsletter to the...
Richard M Hopen
The Crypto Ecosystem
I lived three blocks from the ocean in the Pacific Beach section of San Diego. Most days, I would take a long bike ride and finish at the...
Richard M Hopen
Failure Keeps Success in Check
Shortly after I joined a residential real estate firm, I had breakfast with a friend whom I had not seen in over three years. We both...
Richard M Hopen
Always Be Consultative
Real estate agents are "salespeople." Is that an insult? Agents who work hard to put client satisfaction ahead of their own interest...
Richard M Hopen
Birthday Wishes
When I turned 59, my daughter, Bernadette, wrote a blog post entitled "To My Father." The post contains a list of lessons she's learned...
Richard M Hopen
Back Pain?
I was in a long line at the dry cleaners and the owner was talking about her back pain problems with a customer. The customer then shared...
Richard M Hopen
Four Types of People
It was 27 degrees, the sun was shining and not a cloud in the sky. A pretty winter Saturday and I was psyched to ride my motorcycle. I...
Richard M Hopen
Are You Passionate About Your Work?
It’s transformative to watch someone perform their craft with expertise and passion. In the business world, I’ve seen executives give...
Richard M Hopen
Journal Every Morning
Listening to books and podcasts has become part of my life. When I run on the treadmill, drive more than 10 minutes, or walk to a store,...
Richard M Hopen
The Gatekeepers Are Gone
A very smart woman in her eighties announced she was going to write a book about her life. A life filled with riveting stories. She...
Richard M Hopen
You Don't Have a "What if..." Plan
What if you go to work today and your employer announces the company is shutting down? What if your position is eliminated? What if your...
Richard M Hopen
An Art Degree is a Hedge Against AI
My son Matt is an artist. He sees the world through an artist’s lens. He must create art everyday. If he doesn’t, the day has a big void....
Richard M Hopen
We'll Be As Ignorant As Flat-Earthers
Before explorers took to the seas and traveled beyond the horizon, man believed the world was flat. Why would they have thought...
Richard M Hopen
Bye Bye Humans
In forty years, when my son is my age, computers will be smarter than humans. Today, we experience computers being smarter than us when...
Richard M Hopen
I Need More Coffee. Now!
Every few months I eat breakfast alone at a diner. I bring my journal and write about business, money, goals, heath, and family. I look...
Richard M Hopen
Stepping Off the Merry-Go-Round
I’ve been searching for answers my entire life. When I was a teenager and a college student, I was interested in Hinduism, Buddhism,...
Richard M Hopen
I Performed Open Heart Surgery... Literally
The word "literally" has been cemented into today's lexicon just as "excellent" and "awesome" was a part of normal conversation when I...
Richard M Hopen
Don't Ignore the Good Emails
Spending an hour or more writing an email is rare. If it’s well-written with valuable information, it should be acknowledged immediately....
Richard M Hopen
A Perfect Day
Imagine getting into bed at night knowing your day was perfect. Everything important was crossed off your checklist. You ate well....
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